Manuals and guides translation

The price for translation is calculated based on the number of words, specific languages and on how  complex the  subject-matter and  graphics are.

Translation of user manuals from   English from 0.06 Euro per word – check our prices.

Manuals and guides translation

Translation of user manuals
and technical documentation

A user manual is the most important source of information regarding proper use of a machine or device. Therefore, manufactures are required by law to provide clear and comprehensible manuals written in or translated into the users’ native language.

Incorrectly translated user manual may entail negative consequences for a manufacturer or a reseller. To help you avoid them, we offer a professional translation service which not only will help you comply with formal requirements but also will boost the image of your brand. Our translators have expert knowledge and long-standing experience in technical translation. Moreover, those who translate from English or German into Polish are native speaker of Polish. This ensures that each translation faithfully conveys the message of the source text and is comprehensible to  non-experts .

Translation of manuals and technical documentation

We translate user manuals of the following devices and equipment:

  • Cooling units
  • Production lines
  • Technological lines
  • Industrial machines
  • Agricultural machinery
  • Transport equipment
  • Office equipment
  • Medical equipment
  • Software
  • Electric and electronic devices
  • Interfaces
  • Controllers
  • Printers
  • Consumer electronics and household appliances
  • Food and beverage industry equipment
  • Electric vehicle charging stations
  • Wind farms
  • Electric vehicles
  • and many more

What can we guarantee?

  • We offer accurate technical translation from, among others, German and English
  • We ensure the correctness and accuracy of technical technology
  • We use language that is comprehensible for end users of manuals
  • We double-check the target text for substantive correctness
  • We ensure text coherence
  • We edit graphical elements such as diagrams and technical drawings
  • We work with various file formats, including non-editable ones such as PDF files and scanned documents
Technical translation

Technical texts and  jargon

Technical texts constitute a specific type of text as sole language correctness does not guarantee a successful translation. We are fully aware of the fact that translation is not only transfer of text from one language to another. More than that, it is a matter of the choice of correct terminology, the maintenance of terminological consistency and setting the target text in the social and cultural realities of its native speakers. This is a great challenge but intoPolish is a team of carefully selected expert linguists and industry professionals who have all the necessary know-how and skills.

technical translation into Polish

Get a quote for translation of your user manual

Price for translation of a user manual into  Polish 

  per word per page [200 words]
from German into Polish from 0.07 Euro from 14 Euro
from English into Polish from 0.06 Euro from 12 Euro

To find out more see the price list

To receive a detailed offer, use use the quick quote form or send the text to translated to


We work with various file formats

We translate user manuals in the following file formats: Microsoft Word, Excel, OpenOffice and InDesign. We also translate content of non-editable files (PDF) and scanned documents.

Is Your text in a non-editable format? No problem. If required, we will convert a PDF file into an editable MS Word format or use an OCR  tool to convert a scan into a Word document. Source formatting is retained in our translations so that you get a text that looks exactly like your original material.

Adobe InDesign

We work with frequently used DTP formats such as InDesign files

Adobe FrameMaker

We work with frequently used DTP formats such as FrameMaker files.

Microsoft Word documents

We edit Word doc. files in a professional manner

We translate texts within selected fields of expertise

Specialized translation of texts in the field engineering.


Texts in the field of engineering hold no secrets for us. We navigate the subject-matter with ease, constantly expanding out term base and editing technical drawings.

Specialized translation of texts in the field of IT


We know the IT sector inside-out, having both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. We will provide you with a perfectly accurate translation of your text, but our services go far beyond just translating. We work with source codes and with CMS software.

Specialized translation of texts in the construction industry.


We will help your company achieve success. We work with any types of documents needed in the construction industry, such as texts, drawings and CAD diagrams.

Specialized translation for the electronics industry


We translate materials for end customers and experts in the electronics industry. We provide accurate translations of user manuals, create catchy commercial texts, and design nice looking brochures.

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Get a quote for translation of your user manual

Just fill in a form for a QUICK QUOTE or e‑mail your text to